
A new study by Cyberreason has found that 80% of organizations that were hit with ransomware and paid to get the decryption key, were then hit once again with another ransomware.

Approximately 50% of the new attacks were from the original criminals, and 50% were from new criminals.

The study also found that the top two solutions to help prevent a successful attack are security awareness training and security operations.

From my 30+ years of experience, those organizations and individuals that do not implement security awareness training and security operations do so primarily because they believe it is too difficult, time-consuming, or expensive to do so.

That may be true if you have to meet HIPAA, SEC, or Federal Contractor compliance. But the individual, household, and business can successfully implement ransomware, hacking, cybersecurity, and internet privacy defenses in just one day!

The Practical Paranoid Security Essentials DIY books have been walking users with no technical background through securing their computers, tablets, phones, networks, data, and privacy for over eight years. Easy enough for junior high students and my 86 years old aunt Rose, and comprehensive enough for IT professionals.

The easiest, most comprehensive work of its kind. We even guarantee your satisfaction!

Visit ThePracticalParanoid.com to get your copy of the best-selling cybersecurity guide available.