
TPP Is All About Making Your STEM Course Its Best

Cybersecurity is everyone’s business. And nobody is going to be able to ensure your data, identity, and credit security more than you.

This is why the Practical Paranoia Security Essentials (PPSE) courses and workbooks have become the #1 choice for DIY and STEM cybersecurity classes. Each book is a comprehensive course, written for the non-technical computer user, but covering everything a computer professional expects on the topic. GUARANTEED to be the easiest and most-comprehensive books in their category.

PPSE books are available in Kindle, paperback, and now Live online editions. When purchasing your books for class, teachers get free exams, desk copy, PowerPoint presentations, and telephone support from the authors. No other publisher gives you more to ensure the best possible course.

For more information, or to order your books, visit https://thepracticalparanoid.com, or call (888) 504-5591.