
Apple released iOS 12 this month–the most advanced mobile operating system ever. It is recommended that all iPhone and iPad users upgrade to take advantage of all the new features, including:

  • 50-200% performance improvement
  • FaceTime now supports video and audio with up to 32 people at once
  • Personal Animoji
  • The most advanced Augmented Reality
  • Do Not Disturb can now be set for just a meeting or location-based
  • A more secure Safari, which prevents website Share buttons and comment widgets from tracking you, as well as blocking advertisers from targeting you based on device fingerprint (this is HUGE)

Right alongside the release of iOS 12 is a brand new Practical Paranoia iOS 12 Security Essentials. Completely revised for the new iOS, this book contains everything you need to fully secure your device, data, web browsing, and communications on your iPhone and iPad. Written for the non-technical user, it uses illustrated step-by-step guides to meet the highest security standards.

It’s your information. Protect it.

Practical Paranoia iOS 12 Security Essentials Live!
is available this week at a 50% discount!
Visit https://thepracticalparanoid.com to place your order now.
Paperback and Kindle now available

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